Taylor Diamond Tools

Metalworking - Diamond & CBN Turning Tools

Available types:
PCD - DIAPACT - Cutting tools BORAPACT & DIAPACT Cutting tools 02
CBN BORAPACT - Cutting tools BORAPACT & DIAPACT Cutting tools 03
BORAPACT & DIAPACT Cutting tools 01 BORAPACT & DIAPACT Cutting tools 04


Application Range:
Aluminium machining with high chip volume
Titanium machining
Synthetic and nonferrous metal mass turning
Electrodes, graphite forms
Ceramic parts
High-gloss finishing of acrylic glass
Machining of watch parts

Operation conditions:
Stably supported machine with clearance-free tracks
Depending on cutting material, cooling is advantageous.
Exception: small infeeds of 0.1 – 0.2 mm
Cutting speed v: up to 2800 m/min possible
Cutting depth a: max. Length of the Diamond cutting edge minus 0.5mm
Sufficient cooling must always be ebsured for large chip cross sections.

Closest dimension tolerances and finest surface qualities
Maximum tool lives
Minimum scrap rates
Low or no flash formation


Application Range:
Shafts and Spindles
Subsequent machining of hard layers of metal
Turning of cast-hardened coats on shafts, etc..
Recess turning for clirclips, clampings and O-ring grooves on hardened workpieces
Repairs on hardened workpieces
Chilled cast steel workpieces
Turning bores instead of grinding

Operation conditions:
Stably supported machine with clearance-free tracks
Cooling absolutely required. Exception: small infeeds of 0.1 – 0.2 mm
Cutting speed V: 80 m/min – 150m/min
Infeed a: max. 1mm, for interrupted cuts 0.3 – 0.4 mm.
Due to the low cutting pressure, infeeds of 0.005 mm can be produced
Feeds s: max. 0.1 mm/revolution, 0.03 – 0.05 mm for interrupted cut

Turning hardened parts is more economical than grinding
Suited for highest demands
Excellent abrasion resistance
High wear resistance
Exceptional chemical stability







Taylor Diamond Products | Taylor N.V. | Wechelsebaan, 62 | B-2275 Lille | Belgium
Tel: 0032 (0)475 41 57 58| E-mail: info@taylor.be