Taylor Diamond Tools

KAY DP - Spray

KDP Diamond Sprays offer three to four times the diamond concentration found in aerosol cans and are "ozone safe" making them environmentally compliant with government safety standards. With the insight of metuallurgists, engineers and polishing specialists the experts at Kay evaluated and determined the specific charactersitics most often demanded in today's workplace. KDP Sprays go on smooth and even every time. KDP Sprays can be formulated in a suspended particle state which eliminates the need to shake the bottle to bring up fallen particles. From batch to batch, KDP delivers the most consistent solution.

Available in any micron or mesh size. KDP Sprays offer the ultimate workplace performance!




No lubrication required

Extended shelf life

Easy to handle

Environmentally friendly

Consistently dependable

Stable, controlled





Prices on request

Taylor Diamond Products | Taylor N.V. | Wechelsebaan, 62 | B-2275 Lille | Belgium
Tel: 0032 (0)475 41 57 58| E-mail: info@taylor.be